Member profile page

We've overhauled the Member profile pages. There are now dedicated tabs for various info and settings:

  • Profile: see the member's profile info, like company, address, custom fields, etc

  • Participation (only shown when inside a course): see the learner's history, certificate, results.

  • Assignments: see all roles/assignments of the member. If you have permission, then you can assign new groups, courses, programs, etc. You can also change the role of the member. 

  • Account (for managers only): view and manage the user's Email/username, access code, external IDs, deactivation date, etc, etc.

Member profile page

Decentralized group and member management

There is new “advanced group permissions” feature, which (when enabled) features:

  • Domain managers can delegate member management to "Group Managers" (as defined per group)

  • Group managers can only create and modify members within their own group(s).

  • Group managers can only view learning results of the members within their group(s).

  • When setting the permission of a course, a group manager can only select (members of) his own groups. E.g. he cannot assign other groups/member to the course.

Please contact us to enable the advanced group permissions feature.

Course/ program settings

  • There is now a dedicated “Permissions” tab where you can control the visibility and enrollment settings. The “Seat limit” field has moved to the “General” tab.

  • On the “Permissions” tab you can now specify which Groups of members should be “automatically enrolled” in the course (or program). Previously, this had to be done by domain-level managers under Setup > Groups. 

Course settings


  • The Setup section now has crumb-style navigation

  • Added support for images in WebP and HEIC format